Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Does DeMint believe he's the New Reagan?

Senator Jim DeMint's mancrush on on his Florida Mini-Me, Marco Rubio, gets more intense daily. They've got a fundraising site together, Rubio's going to be DeMint's lap dog for a tour of SC, and now DeMint's PAC (where he rates himself the only 100% conservative in the US Senate) is now slagging off GOP Governor Charlie Crist- who's 18 points behind- as a potential aisle crosser.

Ben Smith:

Senator Jim DeMint's frontal attack today on Charlie Crist, in a web ad suggesting (with little obvious basis) that he's planning to switch parties is raising concerns among other Republicans, who see little upside in adding fuel to the bloody Florida primary.
“Supporting Marco Rubio is one thing, but spending money on a sleazy attack ad like this against a fellow Republican is really beyond the pale, even for Jim DeMint," emails one Senate Republican aide. "It’s all the more remarkable to see someone who proudly calls himself a Reagan Republican have no apparent objection to breaking Reagan’s famed 11th Commandment and engaging in this type of gutter politics.”

DeMint has established his own political action committee as a sort of conservative alternative to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and while it's helped him build a national profile as a conservative leader, the move appears to be less popular in party circles.


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