-Odd, this: C Street US Senate Christianist adulterers John Ensign and David Vitter face no censure or expulsion. They just get cut by their colleagues, Jane Austen-style. But they are paid-up members of the "No" Caucus.
-The Teabaggers are annoyed by all Democrats and almost all Republicans. They're playing "Simon Says."
-The New Yorker has launched the John Paul Stevens death watch.
-The governor of Virginia, who revoked an executive order barring employment discrimination against gay state employees because it was a matter for the legislature, opposes any action to restore protection by the legislature.
-National Review, peddling Liz Cheney's line that our legal system should deny people lawyers when they are obviously guilty, as coined a new term for fact-based journalism: "legacy media."
-Indiana Republican US Senate candidate Dan Coats was for TARP before he was against it.
-The Daily Caller's ranking the nation's 100 most conservative counties. Greenville County SC didn't make the top 20. Not even with their legacy 1996 resolution saying being gay was incompatible with their lifestyle.
-Sucking up to the only "legacy media" journo who likes them, gaycon blogger GPats thinks the homophobic Teabagger movement will be good for gay people. Strange, considering the new Politico poll of Baggerheads shows their fave pols are the homophobic gaggle of Glenn Beck,Michelle Malkin, Senator Jim DeMint, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin.
-Nepal is peddling same-sex marriages at Mount Everest, proving that any moral issue can be resolved by finding a way to make money. Jamaica, having driven off gay tourists long since, is now peddling its "Jewish history" to attract Jewish tourists to a land with 200 resident Jews and one synagogue with no rabbi. "Jewmaica"?
-Just asking:
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