Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tip it, he says. Tip it good.

Boy Fogle, "earning media" during the workday despite his claim his blog is purely private and has nothing to do with his paymasters' political consulting bidness, props up, and then knocks down, his own, cribbed, story that the Chief Justice will won't resign.

Scoopy's "source,", is noted for departments headed "Pop Culture", "Videos," Giveaways," and- appealing to his tendency to bromance, "Beauty" and "Style." Just the sort of  source we'd all go to for news about the United States Supreme Court ("I'm Biff Biffster,'s Supreme Court and Beauty Correspondent, giving you the latest on whether Justice Sotomayor's roots are showing during oral argument").

This whopper is right up there with Boyo's "insiders" who assured him VA Gov. Tim Kaine would be vice president and nobody in the state of Virginia had a clue what to do if he resigned.

Comedy Central really needs to option Foglie. There's little funnier than a "pundit" spouting bullshit and claiming it's caviar.

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