Thursday, November 18, 2010

A new gambit for getting back in The Show

FITSNews is the first blog I've come across- blogs, of course, being the electronic constructs of humans- to claim to have a "forthcoming book."

Columbia blog Wolfe Reports says FITS' got no clients now the election's over, and got no publisher either.

So, Wolfe maintains, FITS is going to launch another RINO hunt in the legislature.

It's always fun to listen to FITS complain about the state of education and business recruitment and poverty in South Carolina, then call for more of their kind of Republicans in the legislature- the sort who are against doing anything about any of those problems except positioning themselves as failures of state government they can run against and then not fix because tenure in office trumps all. Well, that and knowing Howard Rich.

From the peanut gallery, I'd love to see a good ol' fashioned intraparty purge.

For one thing, a purge is exactly the opposite of the pseudo-libertarian mindset FITS claims. It's purely authoritarian (see, e.g., French Revolution, more spec. Robespierre). Other examples: the current pope has said the Church in Europe may need to get smaller and more pure before it can grow.

My favorite example is that of the loony lefties of the UK Labour Party in the 1970s, one of whose chief loons- Tony Benn- argued the party was losing elections not because they were too liberal, but because they were not liberal enough.

Of course Mrs Thatcher put pay to that and the Tories ruled for the next 17 years.

The best conceit of the whole fantasy is that the SCGOP will anoint FITSNews its leader, much less the state's Teabaggists.

Have at it, boys!

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