As I once wrote its author, I wish I could be as good at one thing as blogger Cotton Boll Conspiracy is at everything.
The latest exhibit: an elegant fisking of the latest spittle-flecked rant by another blogger of, if not in, The Palmetto State, The Garnet Spy. TGS is mourning how America has fallen into depravity and decay since elected a half-Negro its president. CBC puts him straight. I can't do it justice excerpting it, so take a min and read it all. It's an example of the sort of thoughtful public debate rarely seen in the SC blogdom.
The fun thing about thing about TGS is that he and Slut Wallah proprietor Will Folks love calling each other names. It is a measure of the subtleties of conservative hermeneutics that they agree on virtually every issue, and hate on all the same groups, but still, they can't stand each other. For Waldo's coverage of some of their past slap-happy episodes, click here.
In one memorable post, TGS declared:
“Will Folks’ FITSNews and Wes Donehue’s The Process Story are established political sites that have and are working to marginalize much needed reform,” Speight writes. “By all accounts, they are paid, handsomely, we’re told, to foment ill-will and mislead the public about politicians, legislation and policy.”
The difference between them and The Garnet Spy- as Cotton Boll Conspiracy makes so clear- is that The Garnet Spy does the same thing for free.
Thank you for the kind words, Waldo, but there are plenty out there, including my ex-wife, who would vehemently disagree regarding my competence on practically anything, except perhaps general incompetence.
ReplyDeleteHowever, your praise is indeed noteworthy and I appreciate it.