Brian Talbert, who calls himself Deplorable Pride, writes in his semi-literate gofundme.co internet welfare beg,
We plan on using the money for any legal means neseccery to insure that the hypocrisy is exposed and finally corrected. I plan on the money being held in an accoun t until we need it for use in educating or legally demostrating our right to fix this wrong.As Talbert knows, his $100,000 scam is already a failure:
So as of this morning, he's given up on it, though he's not refunding any of the money (he just promises he will spend it on something "legal." Since contributions are legally considered gifts, Talbert can legally shove the $7525 he's conned into his own pocket and none of the rubes who gave it can do a thing about it. #MAGA, y'all!).
He's calling on Charlotte-area Trump supporters to line the August 27 Pride Parade route and show the Cheeto-in-Chief their love:
Talbert has pretty much played out earning free media, and his boycott of Charlotte Pride sponsors never went anywhere.
Only one even bothered to respond, as the blogger Joe.My.God noted:
Wells Fargo, the presenting sponsor of Charlotte Pride, has essentially told the homocons to go fuck themselves.After all, Wells Fargo rode out Franklin Graham pulling his $100 million-a-year account for being too pro-LGBT to suit the noisiest of Rev. Billy's embarrassing children.
The Pride sponsors Talbert targets for his shopping scorn reported combined 2016 revenues of $210 billion.
Talbert claims fifty people politely invaded a Starbucks in Charlotte's tony Dilworth neighborhood Saturday.
The most you can see in any of the photos he posted on Facebook is twenty.

So today Talbert- still sitting on donors' $7250, he says- is calling on Trump supporters to turn out- free, on a Sunday morning, and line "every foot" of the three-quarter-mile Parade route with Trump fanboys and girls bearing signs declaring their support (for the President's birthday, Talbert posted on Facebook, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Donald J. Trump! We love you! #happybirthdaymrpresident #happybirthdaypresidenttrump #happybirthday").
Long gone is Talbert's claim that the bone he's trying to pick with Charlotte Pride is over the inclusion of LGBT Republicans in the parade.
He wants it to be a free media opp for a pep rally for The Donald.
The odds are not good. The Washington Post has a project underway tracking pro and anti-Trump rallies every month.
In May The Post reported 495 protests across America. Two to five percent were pro-Trump. One in Spokane, WA June 24 drew 200; an #AltRight DC rally for Trump- led by White Nationalist leader Richard Spencer- drew about 100. It was one of two pro-Trump rallies in Washington at the weekend.
60,000 attended last year's parade to watch 140 marching contingents and over 3500 individuals. The overall festival was attendance was 130,000.
In 2016 President Trump got 39.2% of the vote in Mecklenburg County. He continues to not express support for Deplorable Pride.
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