The White House correspondent for #AltRight news site Gateway Pundit is earning much-desired free media for a new bit of populist intellectualism:
TFW it's a painfully slow news day over at @Newsweek https://t.co/969jl4EITl— Lucian B. Wintrich (@lucianwintrich) July 7, 2017
Newsweek wrote of him,
Wintrich is a young Bard College graduate who gained notoriety for Twinks4Trump, which the liberal site Mic once described as a portfolio of "gay men in various states of undress sporting Make America Great Again hats." Wintrich is an ally of Milo Yiannopoulos, another openly gay member of the alt-right. Both men are fond of calling Trump "daddy."Wintrich, like all the other high-profile gay Trumpers, has not backed Albermarle, NC's failing gay Trump fanboy club, Deplorable Pride, which claims it was barred from the Charlotte Pride parade for being Republicans. You can read all about them at their Offical Website.
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