The end is, in fact, near. Sunday, at noon, when Charlotte Pride's parade comes and goes without a once-giddy group of Donald Trump fanboys tossing candy to the crowds from a 27-foot float festooned with bunting and flags to set off their Melania Trump blue-sequined #MAGA evening dresses.
Back in June- before the media got bored and moved on- Brian Talbert, the co-founder of a noisy little group of gay Trump supporters, was squealing like a schoolgirl on Facebook:
And that's the last that was ever heard from The White House.
It's the last that will ever be heard from them, too.
You could hear the whoosh of a White House underling forgetting that call before the receiver hit the hook, all the way down to Stanly County, where Deplorable Pride plots its vengeance on gays who have sense enough to see- and it isn't hard- that only a world-class team of dopes could believe Donald Trump gives two slaps about LGBT Americans.
And it's three days until Charlotte Pride, whose parade Talbert swore he would have on its knees before him, its sponsors having fled before Talbert's demand that they cut and run lest he boycott them.
"The oppressed has become the oppressor," he likes to snarl.
All he's got- after an epic line of failures going back two months- is Facebook posts telling his 400 followers they owe him to show up for a little non-Pride event Sunday. There will be some bloviations, and then the handful who show up will shamble over to watch the parade- which will NOT be lined, "every foot of the way" with polite, poster-waving Trump zanies.
And after the parade is over- minus the Melania Trump drag float he was going to force on the parade with his $100,000 gofundme-donated lawsuit slush fund- there will not be the pageant he promised.
There will not be the Lake Norman picnic he promised.
There will not be the ball he promised.
The weekly YouTube show that never happened, never will.
The weekly podcast won't either.
And the $7730 Deplorable Pride- in the person of Talbert- raised, well that'll never be accounted for.
Talbert says he's running for Congress. Against an incumbent, anti-gay, Tea Party establishment guy who's raised and spent five million dollars his last two campaigns.
That won't be worth noticing. It'll be over in a minute. Some things are just damned dumb. Like the hilarious two-month scam that has been Deplorable Pride's March on Charlotte.
But #MAGA, y'all, #MAGA.
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