Thursday, November 15, 2018

Edith Wilson would be impressed

Here is a question for Trump supporters.

Accepting, for the sake of argument, that all the things you admire about him are true: that he is a very stable genius; he has all the best words; he hires all the best people; he knows more about war than the generals and has a natural instinct for science; he has the best memory in the world; he did more than any other president in his first 100 days and passed the biggest, best laws ever (“I’ve passed a lot of legislative bills that people don’t even know about"); his biggest-ever inauguration crowd; his bigger rally audiences than Elton John, and all the rest- including evangelical claims that God chose him to be president despite being a walk, bellowing affront to the Ten Commandments- are you really OK with a fashion model directing personnel changes in the National Security Advisor's team?

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