Friday, August 28, 2009

"Dead blogs talking..."

Boy Fogle, apparently smarting from the shooting-fish-in-a-barrrel fisking Waldo gave one of his posts a few days ago, responded with an allegorical tale of an anonymous blogger who called people names and ended up on the receiving end of a big court judgment.

In the South Carolina blogosphere, we have more than our fair share of anonymous bloggers. Some are respectful and use the anonymity to shed light on important issues that might not otherwise be told.

Others, however, hide behind their computers while launching vicious, borderline libelous attacks on both public and private figures. Like these people.

The link is to his famous October 28, 2008 fatwa on five South Carolina bloggers he sent his flying monkeys out to hunt down and expose.

What's interesting, though, is that while he presents "these people" as "hiding behind their computers while launching vicious, borderline libelous attacks on both private and public figures," all but one of his Top 5 Most Wanted blogs are no longer publishing.

Waldo's the last one standing.

And we'll have more to say about it in due course.


  1. Boy Fogle's comments succinct and accurate. In many cases horrible problems have been avoided for the community as a result of anonymous blogging. This includes whistleblowing for white-collar criminals, community awareness when sexual predators move into the neighborhood, and many other alerts that are of great community benefit.

    Benefits notwithstanding, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs and anonymous free speech on the Internet is one such omlette. There is no such thing as free speech, there is always a cost. Sometimes that cost is acceptable, moreover desirable, particularly in the case of positive community awareness. But often their many false and deceptive rumors, and libelous attacks are motivated only by hatred and vindictive antisocial promptings. More often than not, these serial cyber defamers have some type of antisocial personality disorder. They have nothing better to do than hurt other people, in fact they are actually fueled by other people's pain. Normal people like 97% of the readers of my comment cannot begin to relate to how these people think. Stop for a moment and imagine not having a conscience..... is simply impossible.

    A concerted, focused and malicious Internet smear campaign can be as devastating for a person that relies on his or her reputation for employment as a fire can be for a farmer who loses his fields, barns, and livestock.

    Respectfully submitted by Michael Roberts of

  2. What would happen if Waldo's identity were revealed?
