Bill James is a racist and a gay baiter and a Republican.
He has been on the Mecklenburg County Commission for over twenty years, elected over and over from a white, south side district.
James worries about living surrounded by queers. In 2009, after another commissioner, Vilma Leake, cited the death of a son in remarks supporting more HIV/AIDS funding, James leaned over and, in front of an open mic, asked,
"Your son was a homo, really?"
Here's some of the things on the mind of Charlotte's twitter-fool just lately:
Drag queen wants to read books to @MeckCounty children. Tell him no way ! @cmlibrary perversity is not diversity— Bill James (@meckcommish) August 4, 2017
The Shoe is on the other foot now; Justice Dept. to use resources to sue universities over discrimination of whites— Bill James (@meckcommish) August 2, 2017
Is the Justice Department right about gay rights and the law? - CNN— Bill James (@meckcommish) July 30, 2017
The Charlotte Observer took him to task over one August 3 post, which has since disappeared:
On Thursday, James tweeted in response to reports that Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools hit the pause button on a policy that would allow transgender students to choose the school bathrooms and locker rooms with which they identify. The decision was a response to the U.S. Supreme Court putting on hold an appeals court ruling that allowed a Virginia school district to adopt a similar policy.James thought this was reason to cheer, which is debatable. His language was not.
“@CharMeckSchools puts tranny bathroom policy on hold – requires boys in drag to men’s room” he tweeted.
That’s shameful. The tweet demeans transgender individuals with a crude caricature – “boys in drag.” It also uses a term – “tranny” – that’s a slur to the LGBT community when used by an outsider. (James knows that, by the way. He’s used the word in the past, then posted links to an article that discusses why it’s offensive to many.)
This is pretty standard stuff for James. He has a history of not settling for declaring something morally objectionable, but proudly going a step or five further with slurs and offensive stereotypes (“gays as predators” was a past favorite).

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