Pride Weekend in Charlotte has arrived, and- not past time!- the gay Trump fanboy movement is melting in the August heat, at war with itself to the self-loathing end.
Deplorable Pride's Gofundme.ccom welfare queen, Brian Talbert, is just livid. Gays for Trump, from up Greensboro way, is crowding his action again:
Talbert's two-month wild ride began as it ends: with two petty egomaniacs bitch-slapping each other with lilies. Waldo reported in early June:
For half a century the LGBT rights movement, left to right, has been riven by splits driven by race, gender, class, appearance, age, and political leanings.
And so WJZY, the local Fox News affiliate Talbert apparently had on speed dial, cautioned readers and viewers,
And so WJZY, the local Fox News affiliate Talbert apparently had on speed dial, cautioned readers and viewers,
Talbert, a member of "Gays for Trump", which is not affiliated with the "Gays for Trump" based in Greensboro, NC, said he and a fellow gay Trump supporter sent in an application to Charlotte Pride so they could have a float in this year's Charlotte Pride Parade.On the group's Twitter page, both Talbert and Peter Boykin- who heads up the Gays for Trump that isn't the other Gays for Trump- have been up on their hind legs, too:
It says volumes about Deplorable Pride's Brian Talbert that Gays for Trump believe they can put on a better aggro Sunday, considering their July 4 weekend triumph in DC:
The fact is, Brian Talbert can't get along with anyone. His attack on his rival- above- is just the latest example. Here's one from yesterday:
Talbert also attacked Gofundme.com management even as it was providing Talbert the platform for his only DP success: $7730 he scammed out of 211 saps for his personal use in ways no one has been entitled to know:
Just to satisfy the LIBERALS who are running Gofundme I am making the FOURTH update in two days. I WILL BE WITHDRAWING THIS MONEY AND DEPOSITING THE FUNDS INTO A PERSONAL ACCOUNT. Does this now satisfy you, gofundme to release our donors money?
Making another update as requested by Gofundme. Not sure what else it is they want me to update other than the fact that they are playing political games with your donations and making it difficult for us to withdraw. So to all the people who have donated please contact Gofundme an express your concerns for holding your donations hostage and hindering the work that you made your donation for. Thank you all for your continued support. Seems we are going to have to fight at every turn we take.
I have update our gofundme page to address the issues for all the liberals who have donated one penny. Yet they are the only ones making accusations and demanding questions to be answered. Please check out our story part of the profile and let me know what you think. Please feel free to go to the gofundme page and leave your comments to show the liberals what you think I should use your money for. Thank you so much for this chance to say what was one my mind. Brian Talbert co-founder DeplorablePride.org
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