Sputtering, incoherent anger rarely finds time for spell check or mastery of grammar and punctuation. The only thing at which Deplorable Pride succeeds is showing up for another group's protest and claiming it's their own.
So now the phone-booth-fitting gay Trump fanboy club from Albemarle, NC has motored forty miles to tell Charlotte how important they are- a fact first announced on their embarrassingly rudimentary Official Website*:
They said we as conservatives will not have a voice in Charlotte government. We plan to show them just how loud our voice is and show we will not be shut out of our own city. People in other cities have allowed their city to be taken over. But the conservatives of Charlotte are taking a stand. Just like the citizens of Charlotte did during the Revolutionary war against Cornwallis. He said that the citizens of Charlotte were a hornets nest of rebellion. The enemy did not take our then and they will not take it now.Their announced two-hour exercise of their constitutional rights- something that wouldn't be allowed in a real dictatorship (NC Republicans run one of the states that this year to legalize running down protesters with your car without legal penalty)- begins as this post goes up.
Blah, blah, blah. As we noted in a set of questions for Deplorable Pride the other day, "They" is one city council member who is serving out the last eleven months of a vacancy and not seeking a full term. Deplorable Pride gets to go give her what for today: something they are afraid to let others give them on any of their social media outlets.
There's been no action taken to rig elections to exclude ideological enemies. That power is exercised, with a vengeance, by the virulently antigay Republican supermajorities in Raleigh with whom DP members claim partisan kinship.
Two conservatives will be sitting there on the Council as you read this, wondering what DP's proxy clown act is for.
Five conservatives are running for mayor: six if you include the DINO state senator, Joel Ford.
Fourteen more conservatives are running for the council- more if you count the Libertarians.
One evil liberal, Patsy Kinsey, gets a free ride from DP's liberty-loving conservatives. They couldn't scare up anyone to run against her.
There's no way "we"- the conservatives who like putting on pointless agitprop shows for the failing, fake news media- can be kept out of "our own city." They will show up at the City Council meeting today, jabber and wail for the cameras, and leave, having accomplished exactly nothing of substance.
They can't claim even to have proven they can't be kept out of city government because that was not true before they sat in, and will still be a lie once they have all gone home again.
Hell, the head of DP doesn't even live in Mecklenburg County. Like the antigay street preacher Flip Benham- who lives in Concord- Brian Talbert gravitates to the bright lights of the big city because in Stanly County nobody gives two slaps what he thinks.
Let Deplorable Pride prove their claim that "People in other cities have allowed their city to be taken over." Let's see the dates and methods.
Then let them explain this example of authentic Tea Party gibberish:
But the conservatives of Charlotte are taking a stand. Just like the citizens of Charlotte did during the Revolutionary war against Cornwallis. He said that the citizens of Charlotte were a hornets nest of rebellion. The enemy did not take our then and they will not take it now.One-time US Senator and Treasury Secretary William McAdoo comes to mind whenever I read one of Deplorable Pride's manifestos. Of the speeches of President Warren G. Harding, McAdoo said they
left the impression of an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea; sometimes these meandering words would actually capture a straggling thought and bear it triumphantly as a prisoner in their midst, until it died of servitude and overwork.But mostly, DP's barbaric yawps make me think of the late film critic Roger Ebert's old pal, Squeaky the Chicago Mouse.
*Judging from the decline in layout sophistication, we're guessing web design talent went out the door after DP's July 7 purge.
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